Surely a player of your bridge skills is familiar with most or all of the following tips you are about to read. But is your partner?
Fact 46:
When leading from the dummy to take a finesse with a number of equal honors in your hand, finesse with the higher or highest equal.
Say you have the A-Q-J-10 in your hand and x-x in the dummy. When you lead low from dummy and 2nd hand plays low, play the queen. You give away too much information if you play the 10. If the 10 loses to the king, second hand will know you still have the Q-J. If the queen loses to the king, second hand won't know you have the J-10. If the 10 wins, and 2nd hand has the king, 2nd hand knows you still have the Q-J. However, if the queen wins, second hand can't be sure you have the J-10.
Saturday, January 25 Saturday,February 22 Saturday, March 30 Saturday, April 13th Saturday, May 4th Saturday, May 25 Saturday, June 22 Saturday, July 6 Saturday, August 17 Saturday, September 7 Saturday, October 12 Saturday, November 9 Saturday, December 14
All Unit Games are at the Villa. Start at 12:15 pm. Lunch at 11:30 pm, unless otherwise noted.